Magazyme试剂盒Glucoamylase P H resinae E-GAMP

Glucoamylase P (H. resinae) Glucoamylase P H resinae E-GAMP Glucoamylase P H resinae E-GAMP

Product code: E-GAMP

340 Units at 40oC;
~ 800 Units at 60oC

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  • Data Sheet
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  • COAs
  • Content: 340 Units at 40oC;
    ~ 800 Units at 60oC
    Shipping Temperature: Ambient
    Storage Temperature: 2-8oC
    Formulation: In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate
    Physical Form: Suspension
    Stability: > 4 years at 4oC
    Enzyme Activity: Amyloglucosidase
    EC Number:
    CAZy Family: GH15
    CAS Number: 9032-08-0
    Synonyms: amyloglucosidase; exo-1,4-alpha-glucosidase; glucan 1,4-alpha-glucosidase; glucoamylase
    Source: Hormoconis resinae
    Molecular Weight: 65,400
    Concentration: Supplied at ~ 170 U/mL
    Expression: Recombinant from Hormoconis resinae
    Specificity: Hydrolysis of terminal non-reducing α-1,4-D-glycosidic bonds in α-1,4-D-glucans with “debranching activity” (hydrolysis of α-1,6-D-glycosidic bonds) in substrates such as starch and pullulan.
    Specific Activity: ~ 60 U/mg (40oC, pH 4.5 on soluble starch); 
    ~ 160 U/mg (60oC, pH 4.5 on soluble starch)
    Unit Definition: One Unit of glucoamylase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme required to release one µmole of β-D-glucose reducing-sugar equivalents per minute from soluble starch (10 mg/mL) in sodium acetate buffer (100 mM), pH 4.5.
    Temperature Optima: 60oC
    pH Optima: 4.5
    Application examples: Applications in carbohydrate and biofuels research and in the food and feeds industries.

    This product has been discontinued (read more).

    High purity recombinant Glucoamylase P (Hormoconis resinae) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis.

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    Related Carbohydrates
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    Colourimetric Substrates
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    Associated Enzymes
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    Glucoamylase P H resinae E-GAMP

    Osteocalcin EIA Kit (for Human)酶试剂盒Takara Clontech

    上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理Takara Clontech酶试剂盒全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多产品信息和订购。

    Osteocalcin EIA Kit (for Human)
    品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
    Takara MK128 Human Gla-Osteocalcin High Sensitive EIA Kit 96 Assays ¥5,996 Osteocalcin EIA Kit (for Human) Osteocalcin EIA Kit (for Human) Osteocalcin EIA Kit (for Human)
    Takara MK111 Gla-Type Osteocalcin (Gla-OC) EIA Kit 96 Assays ¥4,507 Osteocalcin EIA Kit (for Human) Osteocalcin EIA Kit (for Human) Osteocalcin EIA Kit (for Human)
    Takara MK118 Undercarboxylated Osteocalcin (Glu-OC) EIA Kit 96 Assays ¥4,507 Osteocalcin EIA Kit (for Human) Osteocalcin EIA Kit (for Human) Osteocalcin EIA Kit (for Human)
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    ■ 制品内容
    Antibody Coated Microtiterplate (96 wells : 8 wells × 12 strips) 1 plate
    Antibody-POD Conjugate (Lyophilized) for 11 ml
    Standard (Lyophilized) for 1 ml
    Sample Diluent 11 ml × 2
    Substrate Solution (TMBZ) 12 ml
    ■ 制品说明
    骨钙素 (Osteocalcin: OC) 是分子中含有2~3个γ-羧谷氨酸残基 (Gla) 的分子量约为5,900的维生素K依赖性非胶质骨蛋白,是与钙离子结合的重要功能基团。其与骨钙的结合作用依赖于维生素K。由于骨钙素是成骨细胞特异合成的,目前骨钙素被认为是成骨细胞的标记之一。Gla型骨钙素吸收进入骨基质后成为骨形成的指标。而无Gla残基或脱羧基的Glu型骨钙素与骨基质的亲和力下降,从骨中游离出来释放到血液中成为骨吸收的指标。
    Osteocalcin EIA Kit是检测骨形成标记Gla型骨钙素和骨吸收标记Glu型骨钙素的EIA Kit。
    牛和人骨钙素在N端的第3、4位点的氨基酸不同,为了明确区分牛和人骨钙素,Human Gla-Osteocalcin High Sensitive EIA Kit (Code No.: MK128) 使用了可区分识别骨钙素N端第3、4位点氨基酸的特异性单克隆抗体,可对人和牛的骨钙素进行区别测定。Human Gla-Osteocalcin High Sensitive EIA Kit (Code No.: MK128) 与Gla-Type Osteocalcin (Gla-OC) EIA Kit (Code No.: MK111) 区别在于,前者不但可直接用于含牛血清的成骨细胞培养上清液中的Gla型骨钙素的检测,同时还可以直接对含牛血清的细胞培养上清液中的抗原进行高灵敏度的检测。
    Gla-Type Osteocalcin (Gla-OC) EIA Kit (Code No.: MK111) 是特异性检测与羟基磷灰石结合的Gla残基 (Gla-OC) 的试剂盒。
    Undercarboxylated Osteocalcin (Glu-OC) EIA Kit (Code No.: MK118) 应用一套单克隆抗体,高效作用于脱羧基骨钙素 (Glu-OC),基本弱作用于17、21、24型位置的羧基骨钙素。本制品可直接测定Glu-OC,与Gla-Type Osteocalcin (Gla-OC) EIA Kit (Code No.: MK111) 具有相同的作用,即作为骨代谢临床信息的判断依据。
    ■ 保存

    Sodium Dextran Sulfate 500,000 葡聚糖硫酸钠(DSS)500,000 品牌:Wako

    CAS No.:9011-18-1


    等级 规格 运输包装 零售价(RMB) 库存情况 参考值


    for Biochemistry 50 g 1,750.00

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