同仁化学Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Sandwich Set| 日本DOJINDO

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上海金畔生物代理Hampton research品牌蛋白结晶试剂耗材工具等,我们将竭诚为您服务,欢迎访问Hampton research官网或者咨询我们获取更多相关Hampton research品牌产品信息。Products > 96 Well Crystallization Plates > Paul Marienfeld > LCP Sandwich Set

LCP Sandwich Set


  • Crystallization screening of membrane proteins in lipidic mesophase as well as bicelle method and batch method


  • Small volume LCP, bicelle and microbatch crystallization
  • High quality glass optics
  • Excellent drop optics since mesophase bolus is physically sandwiched between two optically clear surfaces eliminating the mesophase / aqueous medium interface and the corresponding roughness
  • Glass plate allows for visualization of microcrystals using birefringence-free examination between crossed polarizers
  • Superhydrophobic glass surfaces
  • Optimized for bright field, UV and fluorescent microscopy
  • Excellent stability, resistant to evaporation


The LCP Sandwich Set consists of a base glass slide and an optimized cover slip. LCP Sandwich Set developed jointly with the renowned Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, USA and is manufactured by Paul Marienfeld (0890003).

The LCP Glass Sandwich Set is a specially designed plate for either automated or manual setting of 96 Lipidic Cubic Phase matrix screening experiments. The plate can also be used for the bicelle method and batch method. The thin (< 2 mm high) plates have exquisite optical properties and are well suited for the detection of microcrystals and for birefringence-free imaging between crossed polarizers. The plates allow for in meso crystallization trials with 50 nanoliters protein/lipid mesophase and 1 microliter precipitant solution per trial.

The 96 well LCP Glass Sandwich Plate consists of a) 127.8 x 85.5 x 1 mm glass base plate with the footprint of an SBS-compliant plate, a 140 µm thick double sticky spacer with 96 punched out holes and b) a 0.2 mm thick glass coverslip. The double sticky spacer is already adhered to the base plate. A brown paper liner covers and protects the top of the double sticky spacer and base plate. The 0.2 mm thick glass coverslip fits over and seals the entire 96 well lower plate. Alternatively a series of twenty-four siliconized 18 x 18 mm No. 1 square cover slides (HR3-152) can be used to seal the entire 96 well lower plate. Each 18 x 18 mm No. 1 cover slide seals 4 wells. Space for a bar code is available at the left end of the plate. Each well can contain 50 nanoliters of cubic phase and 1 microliter of crystallization reagent.

18 x 18 mm No. 1 Siliconized Cover Slides are made from chemically resistant borosilicate glass D 263 M of the first hydrolytic class. The slides are colorless, clear, and suitable for fluorescence microscopy. The slides feature a super hydrophobic surface on both sides. The slides are No. thickness (0.13 ro 0.16 mm). The slides are supplied in a two compartment plastic box, 100 slides per box, 10 boxes per case, 1,000 slides total for HR3-152.

The Tungsten-carbide glass cutter can be used for cutting and removal of the upper coverglass that seals the LCP Sandwich Set. Sold separately.

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Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Sandwich Set

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Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Sandwich Set
Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Sandwich Set
Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Sandwich Set
Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Sandwich Set
Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Sandwich Set




LCP Sandwich Set


Pack of 20



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18 x 18 mm No. 1 Siliconized Cover Slides, Squares


Case of 10 packs



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Support Material(s)

Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Sandwich Set HR3-151 LCP Sandwich Set User GuideHampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Sandwich Set HR3-151 LCP Sandwich Set Dimension Drawing

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1. Nano-volume plates with excellent optical properties for fast, inexpensive crystallization screening of membrane proteins. Vadim Cherezov and Martin Caffrey. J. Appl. Cryst. (2003). 36, 1372-1377.

2. A robotic system for crystallizing membrane and soluble proteins in lipidic mesophases. Vadim Cherezov, Avinash Peddi, Lalitha Muthusubramaniam, Yuan F. Zheng and Martin Caffrey. Acta Cryst. (2004). D60, 1795-1807 DOI: 10.1107/S0907444904019109.

3. Bicelle crystallization: a new method for crystallizing membrane proteins yields a monomeric bacteriorhodopsin structure. Faham, S. & Bowie, J. U. (2002). J. Mol. Biol. 316, 1-6.

同仁化学Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Lipidic Cubic Phase Screening| 日本DOJINDO

上海金畔生物科技有限公司代理日本同仁化学 DOJINDO代理商全线产品,欢迎访问官网了解更多信息

上海金畔生物代理Hampton research品牌蛋白结晶试剂耗材工具等,我们将竭诚为您服务,欢迎访问Hampton research官网或者咨询我们获取更多相关Hampton research品牌产品信息。Products > 96 Well Crystallization Plates > Swissci > LCP Lipidic Cubic Phase Screening

LCP Lipidic Cubic Phase Screening


  • Lipidic cubic phase crystallization


  • UVP cover film (UV compatible)
  • No cross contamination
  • Membrane protein crystallization
  • 6 mm diameter drop well area
  • 0.1 mm (100 μm) deep drop well when LCP plate is sealed
  • Maximum drop volume is 1.6 microliters per well


The Lipidic Cubic Phase Crystallization (LCP) plate facilitates the automation and increased throughput of LCP crystallization set-ups. This novel system enables LCP screening to be performed accurately and with ease – using manual – or automated systems to complete the delivery of the solutions.

Working with innovative scientists Professor Gebhard Schertler and Pat Edwards from the MRC laboratory in Cambridge, Swissci AG developed a new system for setting up LCP screens.

The Swissci LCP plate ensures crystallography set-up is fast, cost effective and robotically adaptable. In addition Ultra Violet light can be used with the glass / UVP polymers to visualize proteins without the light scattering associated with traditional polymeric solutions.

The LCP technique for crystallizing membrane proteins can be difficult and time-consuming to set up as it utilizes highly viscous lipid mesophases to reconstitute proteins. Swissci AG and MRC overcame these problems with the LCP plate. This product combines an easy to use sandwich system with dedicated coupling tapes and thin film UVP cover plates. It conforms to SBS standards and thus is perfect for modern automation applications where high throughput is required.

The Advantages of the LCP plate
• Ready to use the plate fits laboratory robotics and uses a Swissci unique polymer to ensure UV visualization is not compromised by polarization.
• Easy sealing with dry tabbed adhesive tape exposure and thin UVP cover film. Included in the kit is a plate leveling device to ensure the cover is perfectly adhered to the bottom LCP plate.
• No cross contamination and SBS standard.
• Unique low tack plate security allows for the sandwich plate to be removed from the base plate when required – in-situ x-ray data collection and structure determination is then enabled.

Here’s a description of the LCP plate from bottom to top. a) An SBS standard base plate frame support. b) 0.7 mm thick UVP plastic slide drop support containing all 96 drop wells with 0.1 mm thick layer of low tack sealant (no sealant in drop area). Flat, circular, 6 mm diameter drop wells to contain the LCP, sample and reagent. c) Removable brown/tan paper protects sealant until plate is ready to use. d) 0.1 mm thick UVP sealing film. e) Removable protective dust cover. The kit is completed with a Swissci plate leveling device.

To use the LCP plate, pipette LCP, sample and reagent into the 96 drop wells. Peel back and remove the brown/tan paper to expose the adhesive. Place the sealing film onto the LCP plate. Remove the protective film for viewing.

Maximum drop volume is 1.6 microliters per well.

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Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Lipidic Cubic Phase Screening

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Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Lipidic Cubic Phase Screening
Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Lipidic Cubic Phase Screening
Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Lipidic Cubic Phase Screening
Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Lipidic Cubic Phase Screening
Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Lipidic Cubic Phase Screening




Lipidic Cubic Phase Screening Kit


20 plate case



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Support Material(s)

Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒LCP Lipidic Cubic Phase Screening HR3-186 LCP Lipidic Cubic Phase Screen Kit User Guide