Anti-CHMP4B Polyclonal Antibody-一抗-抗体-蛋白与免疫

Anti-CHMP4B Polyclonal Antibody

品牌:solarbio | 货号:K005231P

英文名称 Anti-CHMP4B Polyclonal Antibody
宿主 Rabbit
别名 C20orf178;CHMP4A;CTPP3;CTRCT31;SNF7;SNF7-2;Shax1;VPS32B;Vps32-2;dJ553F4.4
稀释比例 WB 1:500-2000. IHC 1:50-200.
交叉反应 Human Mouse Rat
蛋白分子量 25kDa
Gene ID 128866
保存 Store at -20°C. Avoid freeze / thaw cycles.
储存液 Buffer: PBS with 0.02% sodium azide, 50% glycerol, pH7.3.
纯化方法 Affinity purification
亚型 IgG
免疫原 Recombinant protein of human CHMP4B
性状 液体
Public Immunogen Range Recombinant protein of human CHMP4B
Subcellular Locations Cytoplasm Late endosome membrane Peripheral membrane protein cytosol
Swiss Prot Q9H444
克隆类型 Polyclonal Antibody
背景资料 This gene encodes a member of the chromatin-modifying protein/charged multivesicular body protein (CHMP) protein family. The protein is part of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) complex III (ESCRT-III), which functions in the sorting of endocytosed cell-surface receptors into multivesicular endosomes. The ESCRT machinery also functions in the final abscisson stage of cytokinesis and in the budding of enveloped viruses such as HIV-1. The three proteins of the CHMP4 subfamily interact with programmed cell death 6 interacting protein (PDCD6IP, also known as ALIX), which also functions in the ESCRT pathway. The CHMP4 proteins assemble into membrane-attached 5-nm filaments that form circular scaffolds and promote or stabilize outward budding. These polymers are proposed to help generate the luminal vesicles of multivesicular bodies. Mutations in this gene result in autosomal dominant posterior polar cataracts.