同仁化学Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒Polyethylene glycol 6,000/HR2-513/HR2-533| 日本DOJINDO

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Products > Optimize Reagents > Optimize – Polymers > Polyethylene glycol 6,000

Polyethylene glycol 6,000

Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒Polyethylene glycol 6,000/HR2-513/HR2-533




Polyethylene glycol 6,000


500 grams






50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 6,000


200 mL




Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒Polyethylene glycol 6,000/HR2-513/HR2-533 HR2-513 Polyethylene glycol 6,000 (Flake) SDSHampton蛋白结晶试剂盒Polyethylene glycol 6,000/HR2-513/HR2-533 HR2-533 Polyethylene glycol 6,000 SDS


  • Crystallization grade Polyethylene glycol 6,000 for formulating screens or for optimization
  • 结晶级聚乙二醇 6,000 用于配制筛选或优化


  • Sterile filtered solution
  • Formulated in Type 1+ ultrapure water: 18.2 megaohm-cm resistivity at 25°C, < 5 ppb Total Organic Carbon, bacteria free (<1 Bacteria (CFU/ml)), pyrogen free (<0.03 Endotoxin (EU/ml)), RNase-free (< 0.01 ng/mL) and DNase-free (< 4 pg/µL)
  • 无菌过滤溶液
    在 1+ 型超纯水中配制:25°C 时电阻率为 18.2 兆欧厘米,总有机碳 < 5 ppb,无细菌(<1 细菌 (CFU/ml)),无热原(<0.03 内毒素 (EU/ml)) , 无 RNase (< 0.01 ng/mL) 和无 DNase (< 4 pg/µL)

描述Polyethylene glycol 6,000

Synonym: PEG 6,000
Mr 5,000 – 7,000
CAS Number [25322-68-3]
EC Number 500-038-2
Merck 14,7568
RTECS TQ4105000
MDL Number MFCD00081839
PubChem Substance ID 24887715

HR2-533 Measured Conductivity range: 30.9 – 53.8 µS/cm at 25°C
HR2-533 Measured Refractive Index range: 1.40197 – 1.40251 at 20°C

同义词:PEG 6,000
5,000 – 7,000 先生
CAS 编号 [25322-68-3]
欧盟编号 500-038-2
默克 14,7568
RTECS TQ4105000
MDL 编号 MFCD00081839
PubChem 物质 ID 24887715

HR2-533 测得的电导率范围:25°C 时 30.9 – 53.8 µS/cm
HR2-533 测量的折射率范围:20°C 时为 1.40197 – 1.40251

DNases: none detected
RNases: none detected
Proteases: none detected
Phosphatases: none detected
Peroxides (as H2O2) < 0.001%

Al  ≤0.0005%
As ≤0.00001%
Ba ≤0.0005%
Bi  ≤0.0005%
Ca ≤0.001%
Cd ≤0.0005%
Cl  ≤0.005%
Co ≤0.0005%
Cr ≤0.0005%
Cu ≤0.0005%
Fe ≤0.0005%
K   ≤0.02%
Li  ≤0.0005%
Mg ≤0.0005%
Mn ≤0.0005%
Mo ≤0.0005%
Na ≤0.02%
Ni  ≤0.0005%
Pb ≤0.0005%
SO4 ≤0.005%
Sr  ≤0.0005%
Zn ≤0.0005%

参考Polyethylene glycol 6,000

1. McPherson, A. 1976, Crystallization of proteins from polyethylene glcyol. J. Biol. Chem. 251: 6300.

2. E144S active-site mutant of the bacillus cereus thermolysin-like neutral protease at 2.8 A resolution. Litster, SA; Wetmore, DR; Roche, RS; Codding, PW. Acta Crystallogr D 52, 543- 550, 1996.

3. Luft J.R. and DeTitta G.T. Chaperone salts, polyethylene glcyol and rates of equilibration in vapor-diffusion crystallization. Acta Crystallographica Section D 51: 780.

4. Gilliland, G.L. 1988. A biological macromolecule crystallization database: A basis for a crystallography strategy. J. Cryst. Growth. 90:51.

1. McPherson, A. 1976,从聚乙二醇中结晶蛋白质。 J.生物学。 化学。 251:6300。

2. 蜡状芽孢杆菌嗜热菌蛋白酶样中性蛋白酶的 E144S 活性位点突变体,分辨率为 2.8 A。 利斯特,SA; 韦特莫尔博士; 罗氏,RS; 编码,密码。 晶体学学报 D 52, 543-550, 1996。

3. Luft J.R. 和 DeTitta GT. 伴侣盐、聚乙二醇和蒸气扩散结晶中的平衡速率。 Acta Crystallographica Section D 51: 780。

4. Gilliland, G.L. 1988。生物大分子结晶数据库:结晶学策略的基础。 J.水晶。 生长。 90:51。