密三糖或棉子糖/D-半乳糖检测试剂盒 Raffinose/D-Galactose Assay Kit 货号:MK-RAFGA 品牌:Megazyme


英文名:Raffinose/D-Galactose Assay Kit


规格:120 assays per kit

品牌: Megazyme



The Raffinose/D-Galactose test kit is specific and a rapid measurement and analysis of raffinose and D-galactose in plant materials and food products.

UV-method for the determination of Raffinose (also stachyose
and verbascose) and D-Galactose in legume seeds, plant
materials, foodstuffs and feed

(1) Raffinose + stachyose + verbascose + H2O → D-galactose +

(galactose mutarotase)
(2) α-D-Galactose ↔ β-D-galactose

(β-galactose dehydrogenase)
(3) β-D-Galactose + NAD+ → D-galactonic acid + NADH + H+

Kit size: 120 assays
Method: Spectrophotometric at 340 nm
Reaction time: ~ 40 min
Detection limit: 5 mg/L
Application examples:
Cereal flours, soybean flour, by-products of sucrose manufacture
and other materials
Method recognition:
Used and accepted in food analysis


  • Very rapid reaction due to inclusion of galactose mutarotase (patented technology)
  • Very competitive price (cost per test)
  • All reagents stable for > 2 years after preparation
  • Mega-Calc™ software tool is available from our website for hassle-free raw data processing
  • Standard included


EK-RAFGA DATA BOOKLET.pdf: 密三糖或棉子糖/D-半乳糖检测试剂盒 Raffinose/D-Galactose Assay Kit 货号:MK-RAFGA 品牌:Megazyme
EK-RAFGA PRODUCT PERFORMANCE.pdf: 密三糖或棉子糖/D-半乳糖检测试剂盒 Raffinose/D-Galactose Assay Kit 货号:MK-RAFGA 品牌:Megazyme
m.catalog.equl.cn.pdf: 密三糖或棉子糖/D-半乳糖检测试剂盒 Raffinose/D-Galactose Assay Kit 货号:MK-RAFGA 品牌:Megazyme


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