同仁化学Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒Cover Slide Vacuum Gadget| 日本DOJINDO

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上海金畔生物代理Hampton research品牌蛋白结晶试剂耗材工具等,我们将竭诚为您服务,欢迎访问Hampton research官网或者咨询我们获取更多相关Hampton research品牌产品信息。Products > Crystallization Plates, Hardware & Accessories > Cover Slides & Related Tools > Cover Slide Vacuum Gadget

Cover Slide Vacuum Gadget


  • Holding and manipulating small, flat surfaces such as glass cover slides


  • Self-contained vacuum
  • No power needed
  • Compact


The Cover Slide Vacuum Gadget™ allows one to pick up a single cover slide, invert the slide and gadget, rest the gadget on the bench so the slide rests as if on a pedestal, pipet the drop onto the slide, then use the gadget to place and release the slide onto the crystallization plate. The Gadget is a hand held vacuum bulb with a single Buna-N vacuum cup. Squeeze the bulb, press the vacuum cup to the slide, ease the squeeze on the bulb to create a vacuum and the slide is held in place at the end of the Gadget. When ready to position and place the slide give the Gadget a gentle squeeze to release the vacuum. Single bulb with 3/8″ (9.53 mm) diameter cup.

Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒Cover Slide Vacuum Gadget

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Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒Cover Slide Vacuum Gadget




Cover Slide Vacuum Gadget





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